Welcome to Oceanview Funeral Services
Oceanview's caring staff pride themselves on their ability to provide dignified funeral and memorial services at an affordable cost
Approachable & caring
Oceanview Funeral Services are Townsville’s low-cost family funeral home

We believe the care provided for the deceased and their remaining family members is of the utmost importance and we are prepared to go to any lengths to ensure your loved one is given the service they envisioned.

You will find we are approachable and quite flexible when discussing plans and ideas for a service.

We are in consultation with you throughout the arrangement process and we take time to ensure you understand everything whilst providing guidance when it is required.

You are welcome to call into our office to discuss pre-arranging a funeral, or to just talk about funerals in general.

Oceanview Funeral Services ensure all Townsville families have low-cost options

Oceanview Funeral Services is a member of the Australian Funeral Directors Association, an association which has represented professional funeral directors throughout Australia since 1935. The Australian Funeral Directors Association requires its members to abide by a code of ethics, designed to ensure quality premises, facilities and professional staff, thus ensuring the public a high standard of service.

Oceanview Funeral Services is part of a network of funeral homes, cremation facilities and cemeteries owned by Propel Funeral Partners, which extends to all states of Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and New Zealand. Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, Propel Funeral Partners is one of the largest providers of funeral and related services in Australia and New Zealand.”


What we do
If you have never had to do this before, please do not stress as we will help.
How much?
Regardless of how loved your family member was, you still need to be mindful of your budget.
Choosing burial or cremation is a common concern… however it’s entirely up to you.
We encourage you to examine this added information which may be required when making arrangements.
Contact us

47 Hugh Ryan Drive Townsville Q 4814
Phone: (07) 4755 0296
Email: enquiry@oceanviewfuneralservices.com.au

We have easy parking out the front as well as the side of our building where it's a little more private.

For emergencies: Our phone is manned 24 hours 7 days a week.

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Goods & Services

In accordance with the Fair Trading (Funeral Pricing) Regulation 2022, and to ensure transparency in respect of pricing, click on the link below to view our pricing and disclosure document. If you prefer, please contact us, so we can provide you with a more comprehensive estimate for a funeral service.



Consider this alternative provision...
No service cremation package from $2377.00*

Ideal for when you want something very simple. This package is a cremation only with no mourners, no ceremony, no fuss...

This service offers: unattended direct cremation, professional fees, mortuary care, entry level coffin, cremation fee (in Townsville), doctor's cremation permit, all necessary paperwork, entry level urn, certified copy of death certificate, a transfer during normal working hours and GST.

You can upgrade (optional extra) to a Memorial Service, the urn and the coffin.

*Not included:

After hours transfer from the place of death, viewings or quiet times.


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